

We’ve set up a block of rooms at the Residence Inn Boston Westford, located at 7 Lan Drive, Westford, Massachusetts 01886 (map). When booking in the block, you can choose from a studio with a king bed for $139/night, a one-bedroom suite at $149/night, or a two-bedroom suite for $179/night. More information on the Residence Inn Boston Westford can be found on their website. The room block closed on 11/19/2021.

Check-in is at 3:00pm. The hotel will try to accommodate early arrivals, but it is not guaranteed.

Let us know if you have any questions about the hotel or booking.


The Residence Inn Boston Westford is about a twenty minute drive away from the Barn at Gibbet Hill. We will be providing a shuttle service between the Residence Inn and the venue before the ceremony.

Shuttles will leave the hotel at the following times: 4:00pm, 4:15pm, and 4:25pm.

Return shuttles will leave the reception at the following times: 9:00pm, 10:00pm, and 11:00pm.